This is supplementary material for:
B. E. Peercy and A. S. Sherman. 2010. How pancreatic beta-cells distinguish long- and short-time scale cAMP signals. Biophys. J., 99(2):398-406 [PubMed]
XPP and Matlab source files by figure:
Epifluorescence in Oscillating IBMX (Figure 3a; set tper=2400 for maintained IBMX, ton=1800 for no IBMX) [cc_rev_epi.ode]
TIRF in Oscillating IBMX (Figure 3b; set tper=2400 for maintained IBMX) [cc_rev_tirf_xover.ode]
Effect of Varying Nuclear Envelope Diffusion Rate (epifluorescence; Oscillating IBMX) (Figure 4; set DN=0.001, 0.0005 for restricted diffusion) [cc_rev_epi.ode]
Effect of Restricted Diffusion from Subplasmamembrane Compartment (epifluorescence) (Figure 6a; set Da2=1) [cc_rev_epi.ode]
Effect of Restricted Diffusion from Subplasmamembrane Compartment (TIRF) (Figure 6a; set Da2=1) [cc_rev_epi.ode]
Active Transport from Nucleus by PKI (Figure S2; set tper=2400 for maintained IBMX, ton=1800 for no IBMX) [cc_rev_epi_PKI.ode]
Model with Radial Diffusion (Matlab m-files; main program “ccNLcomplot2” calls the rest; takes a while) []