Supporting files for: K. Tsaneva-Atanasova, C. L. Zimliki, R. Bertram, and A. Sherman, 2006. Diffusion of calcium and metabolites in pancreatic islets: Killing oscillations with a pitchfork, Biophys. J., 90:3434-3446. [PubMed]
The models in this paper show that oscillations can be killed by a pitchfork bifurcation when cells are coupled through the slow negative feedback variable, which is calcium, for a simple electrical oscillator, and G6P, for a glycolytic oscillator.
XPP files by figure
- Morris-Lecar-like Beta-Cell Model: Oscillator Death by Calcium Diffusion (Figure 1) [Fig1.ode]
- Morris-Lecar-like Beta-Cell Model: Bistability (Figure 3) [Fig3.ode]
- Glycolytic Oscillator Model (Figure 6a) [Fig6a.ode]
- Combined Glycolytic/Electrical Beta-Cell Model: Uncoupled (Figure 7a) [Fig7a.ode]
- Combined Glycolytic/Electrical Beta-Cell Model: Coupled by FBP (Figure 7b) [Fig7b.ode]
- Combined Glycolytic/Electrical Beta-Cell Model: Coupled by FBP and G6P (Figure 7c) [Fig7c.ode]
- Combined Glycolytic/Electrical Beta-Cell Model: Conversion from Slow to Fast by Glucose Removal and Readdition (Figure 8) [Fig8.ode]
- (Compare to experimental data, Figure 11 in R. Bertram, L. Satin, M. Zhang, P. Smolen, and A. Sherman. 2004. Calcium and glycolysis mediate multiple bursting modes in pancreatic islets, Biophys. J., 87:3074-3087. [PubMed]